Fixed Mobile Convergence : Evolution or Revolution ?

The last couple of months have seen a flurry of reports on the
subject of the future prospects for Fixed Mobile Convergence (from, for
example, Pyramid Research and IDC)
which has, in turn, spawned a flurry of web articles and blog comment
on the same subject. The consensus among most of these reports is that Fixed Mobile Convergence
(or FMC) adoption is set to grow over the next few years and that those
companies who are investing in it are, in the main, investing wisely.

However, how users (or should that be prospective users) view the move towards FMC is more difficult to judge. In an article on, a research Director from IDC describes how their recent report outlines their view that operators (at least in Western Europe) are finding it difficult to sign up customers to FMC services.

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