Leading Aerospace and Defense Companies Trust Wind River

As Featured in Forbes

Accelerate Change Or Lose: Gaining The OODA Edge

We have the military to thank for some of the most important inventions that we use every day to increase productivity and innovation. One of those contributions can — and should — play a much bigger role than it does today, if we actually harness its potential.

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Accelerate Change Or Lose: Gaining The OODA Edge

An Intelligent Systems Mantra For The Defense Of The US: Learn From SpaceX

The U.S. has the largest defense investment infrastructure in the world. It’s a highly complex, intelligent, and agile environment driven by a historical and global imperative to protect democracy.

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An Intelligent Systems Mantra For The Defense Of The US: Learn From SpaceX

Characteristics Of An Intelligent Systems Future: 12 Waypoints To Navigate Your Future Success

By 2030, $7 trillion of the U.S. economy will be driven by the machine economy. We’ll become data-driven software enterprises in the process. How we get there, and how successful we are, is already part of the thinking of leaders in organizations dependent on these ideas for business success.

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Characteristics Of An Intelligent Systems Future

“Increasingly, machines will learn from experiences, adapt to changing situations, and predict outcomes.”2

The Engine of
the Intelligent Edge

RTOS-based applications at the core of pervasive AI are being brought about “by a proliferation of AI-powered smart devices able to recognize and react to sights, sounds, and other patterns. Increasingly, machines will learn from experiences, adapt to changing situations, and predict outcomes."2

» Read the Article

2 “AI Is Not Just Getting Better; It’s Becoming More Pervasive,” Harvard Business Review, February 19, 2019

How Wind River Helps

With technology proven by more than 330 customers over 750 safety programs in more than 120 civilian and military aircraft, Wind River® has over three decades of experience helping to build safe, secure, and reliable computing systems for demanding commercial aircraft, space exploration, and military operations.

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Wind River Studio

Wind River Studio

For aerospace and defense development teams modernizing or transforming the development, deployment, and operation of their intelligent systems, Wind River Studio has been architected to easily scale to simultaneously run different projects with multiple operating systems and hardware architectures, all from a single pane of glass.

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Bullet proof, future-proof: VxWorks supports containers for app deployment (the first and only RTOS to do so), C++17, Boost, Rust, Python, and more. And it's still #1 (VDC). Lower your procurement and certification costs while meeting stringent industry standards such as DO-178C, IEC 61508, ISO 26262, ARINC 653, POSIX®, and FACE using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) standards conformance and safety certification evidence.

» Explore VxWorks
Wind River Linux

Wind River Linux

Wind River Linux delivers military grade Linux with a combination of system-level security reinforcements, such as access control mechanisms and intrusion detection and prevention tools, with long-term security update strategies for deployed devices. With validated, maintained, and supported source code, as well as a comprehensive suite of services including CVE monitoring, Wind River Linux is certified for ISO 9001 and for conformance to the FACE Technical Standard as an Operating System Segment (OSS) that supports the General Purpose Profile (GPP).

» Explore Wind River Linux
Wind River Helix Virtualization Platform

Wind River Helix Virtualization Platform

Based on our industry-leading VxWorks 653, Helix Platform consolidates and separates multi-os and mixed-criticality apps on a single platform. Simplify, secure, and future-proof your aerospace and defense systems.

» Explore Wind River Helix Virtualization Platform
Wind River Simics

Intel® Simics

Create digital twins of complex systems and run cyber tests (including pen testing) virtually. Enable agile practices throughout your product’s lifecycle with system simulation and automation technologies.

Intel and Simics are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.

» Explore Intel Simics
Support for Industry Standards

Support for Industry Standards

Wind River makes it easier and more cost-effective for technology suppliers to meet the stringent requirements of the aerospace and defense industries, with support for industry standards such as ARINC 653, FACE, RTCA DO-178B and DO-178C, IEC 61508, POSIX®, and more.

» Learn about our standards leadership




For nearly three decades, Wind River has provided NASA with the most proven software platform to bring dozens of intelligent systems to space, resulting in some of the most significant space missions in history.


White Paper

This paper discusses the development of a next-generation smart avionics platform and former experiences.



See a demonstration of a joint collaboration between Wind River, Ansys, CoreAVI, Curtiss-Wright, and RTI for a digital cockpit flight display with touchscreen.



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