I’m addicted to information

this lovely holiday break, I have decided to catch up on {everything}.
Starting next year off with a clean to do list seems like a good idea.
Before I left work for the holidays, I managed to get my inbox down to
3 or 4 items. (If you think you’re one of those 3, you’d better remind
me via email.) But email is just one of my problems, an antiquated one
in fact.

Most of the good stuff comes in through RSS feeds. I counted them a couple of days ago: 97 feeds.
They breakdown roughly into the following categories: Business,
Culture, Humor, Software, Technology, Work, odds and ends.
Unfortunately, many of these feeds have high update rates, like BoingBoing, LifeHacker, and the collection of work-related feeds. Even PlanetEclipse,
my first RSS feed, has become a challenge to follow in my expanding
list. I’ve already dropped several others because the signal-to-noise
ratio was too low.

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