Aerospace Tech Week Europe 2024: Arm Multicore Avionics Case Study
During the recent Aerospace Tech Week Europe 2024 conference, I had the privilege of giving a joint presentation with Dominiek Saelens, Senior Product Manager Avionics at ScioTeq on “Mixing modern multicore processors with open architectures: Experiences of developing a state-of-the-art smart avionics display”. Our brief presentation essentially provided a high-level summary of the topics covered in a technical paper of the same title, which we had recently co-authored with Damian Fozard, CEO of CoreAVI.
The presentation covered the evolution of smart avionics displays, the requirements for a next-generation smart avionics display, and real-world experience of the development ScioTeq smart display platforms. This included discussion about identified programme risks and challenges encountered, including migration to an Arm-based multicore system-on-chip (SoC) including integrated dual GPUs, and software migration to Helix Virtualization Platform. We also shared the results of the development project and lessons learned.
The presentation is now available for download from the conference website (registration required), but don’t worry if you weren’t able to attend, as we are planning to offer additional resources around it. More details to come!
If you want to share your views, you can reach me on LinkedIn.
About the author
Paul Parkinson is a Field Engineering Director for Aerospace & Defence for EMEA at Wind River