
Studio Developer: Tradewinds Awardable!

The Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace is a digital repository of post-competition, readily-awardable pitch videos that address the Department of Defense’s (DoD) most significant challenges in the Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML), data, and analytics space. All awardable solutions have been assessed through complex scoring rubrics and competitive procedures and are available to Government customers who have a Marketplace account. Tradewinds is housed in the DoD’s Chief Digital Artificial Intelligence Office.

Tradewinds will help the DoD accelerate the adoption of AI and related technologies by elevating the profile of these solutions, which are often offered by smaller companies or startups that don’t typically have the same level of awareness with program managers and procurement professionals as large, established government contractors and prime integrators.

Companies prepare pitch videos according to a rubric provided by Tradewinds to ensure that their pitch videos provide value-based descriptions of technical solutions to the strategic focus areas that Tradewinds is meant to help the DoD solve. A review committee vets and assesses the pitches and companies for Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) and Other Transaction Authority (OTA) processes to fast track acquisition. Some DoD programs are primarily or exclusively using Tradewinds to source solutions.

To aid our government customers in understanding how Wind River could develop and deploy much-needed AI workloads at the near and far edge, Wind River submitted our own pitch video for the Studio Developer suite. It was a great exercise, as Tradewinds caps video length at five minutes, so distilling a complex, feature-rich product like Studio Developer down to five minutes was a bit daunting. But in the end, using the results of existing Studio users as the basis for describing the value to DoD customers proved to be the best approach.

We’re happy to report that the review team at Tradewinds deemed Wind River Studio Developer “awardable”, and Studio Developer is now officially available in the marketplace. For those in Government with Tradewinds account, you can find Studio Developer here Note -- the link is not available to those outside of the US Government, as is the case for all Tradewinds awardable videos.

For those actively searching Tradewinds for strategic focus area solutions, expect to see more submissions from Wind River as align our solutions with the opportunities and requirements posted in Tradewinds.


About the author

Tim Fahey is a Senior Product Marketing Line Manager at Wind River