Looking forward to Aerospace Tech Week 2023
I’m really looking forward to Aerospace Tech Week Europe 2023, which is being held on 29-30 March. It is returning to Munich this year, after an enjoyable (and COVID-19 safe) event held in Toulouse in November 2021. The main conference tracks (Avionics, Connectivity, Flight Ops IT, MRO IT and Testing) will cover the latest industry trends, regulations and technology advances – including Urban Air Mobility (UAM), Digitization, Cybersecurity and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in multiple domains.
It's interesting to note the themes running through this year’s programme, including how the increased connectivity of avionics and aviation infrastructure through networks and cloud-based systems is being used in many ways, including predictive flight operations and predictive maintenance, improving aircraft availability and sustainability and to deliver new services to aircraft.
Wind River is known for its ARINC 653 and FACE™ standards conformant runtime platforms which are used in many safety-critical and mission-critical avionics (including the Airbus A3R system which recently achieved DAL A certification on a multicore processor, which I discussed in a previous post).
We are now also pioneering digital transformation in multiple vertical market sectors through our portfolio supporting the development, deployment, operation and service of intelligent edge devices. If you’d like to find out more about how we can assist in the digital transformation of your aerospace and defence systems please visit us on the Wind River exhibition stand (604) or request a meeting.
My Wind River colleague Olivier Charrier will give a talk on Multicore Processors in the Technology Trends in Avionics track, and Stefan Harwarth will give a talk on Strategies for Integration of a Diagnostic STL with the Wind River Safety-Certifiable Hypervisor. So please join us to hear about the latest developments and technology trends.
For more information about Wind River safety-critical runtime platforms for safety-critical intelligent edge devices in Aerospace, Automotive, and Industrial sectors, please visit the following resources:
Wind River and functional safety: https://www.windriver.com/solutions/learning/functional-safety
To speak with Wind River experts to address certification challenges, contact us.