Cost of security

Having read Paul Parkinson's blog about the UK National CyberSecurity Strategy, it was interesting to read this article on the US government moves towards cloud computing. I have always been surprised by the seemingly complacent attitude towards security, especially with our approach of downloading daily patches and security fixes to the variety of software installed on our PCs. In the article Rob Housman agrees with this and stated "that now is the time when the government should be putting an emphasis on security and safety rather than saving money and going for the tried and true “hack and patch” approach when problems arise."
Of course, Wind River has been presenting its security technology, Wind River VxWorks MILS Platform for a few years now. In the presentation "New Capability for the Warfighter – Multilevel Secure Systems Based on a MILS Architecture" which we created with our fellow members at The Open Group Real Time & Embedded Systems Forum we have long been evangelising the robust partitioning approach.