Get out your lambdas - C++0x

I saw a video of a talk by Bjorn Stroustrup, Mr. C++, who people I work
with know I call "Barney", affectionately, of course. In the video, he
mentioned how badly he wanted to keep the name of the next major
version of the C++ standard as C++0x and not have it slip into the next
decade. Well, 2008 is almost over so it’s going to have to be C++09 if
it’s to make it. But they are trying hard and making some progress.

hopefully it does. C++ is due for a good shot in the arm, something to
get people excited about. Working every day in Java as I do, and
yearning for my C++ days, there are a few features in Java that would
be exciting to have in C++. Not many, but there are a few :).

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