
Blogging at Wind River

Wind River supports open dialogue and the exchange of ideas. We encourage you to be active in and contribute to the industry conversation. Wind River does, however, trust and expect you to exercise personal responsibility whenever you blog.


  • Know and abide by the Wind River Workplace Guidelines as detailed in the Employee Handbook. The same principles that apply to your activities as a Wind River employee in general, as set forth in the Employee Handbook, and the Workplace Guidelines in particular, also apply to your blogging activities to the extent that such activities affect your Wind River job performance, the performance of others at Wind River or Wind River’s business interests.
  • Write in the first person and identify yourself — name and, when relevant, your role at Wind River. When you blog, you are speaking on behalf of yourself and not Wind River. Remember that blogs are individual interactions, not corporate communications. You are personally responsible for what you post.
  • Respect copyright and fair use laws. Do not post material belonging to others without ensuring that you’ve obtained proper permission.
  • Respect financial disclosure laws. Do not comment on confidential financial information such as Wind River’s business plans or future business performance.
  • Do not disclose Wind River’s or anyone else’s confidential or proprietary information.
  • Protect Wind River’s clients and business partners. Don’t cite or reference clients, partners or suppliers without their proper approval.
  • Respect your audience. Show appropriate consideration for others’ privacy. Stay away from topics that could be considered objectionable or inflammatory, such as sex, politics and religion. Do not use ethnic slurs, personal insults or obscenities.
  • Do not discuss Wind River-related legal proceedings or controversies.
  • Managers and executives must understand that, by virtue of their position, they must consider whether personal thoughts and opinions they publish may be misunderstood as Wind River’s positions and exercise proper judgment.
  • Engage in conversation and provide your own unique perspective, but avoid arguments. Make sure that what you say is factual, and be the first to correct your own mistakes.
  • Find out who else is blogging on your topic, and cite them. Link to other sources as appropriate.
  • Please be aware that Wind River may, in its sole discretion, require that you stop blogging about Wind River-related matters if it believes it to be necessary or advisable to ensure compliance with securities regulations or other laws and obligations.
  • When in doubt, consult your manager or Wind River’s Legal department.

Wind River reserves the right to update or revise these Guidelines from time to time. Please check periodically for any changes. Your continued use of this site following the posting of any changes constitutes your acceptance of those changes.