Importance of the M2M Ecosystem


Today I participated in a great panel discussion with Intel, Kontron and Eurotech on the Peggy Smedley show.  The underlying theme of the discussion was around the importance of the M2M ecosystem and collaborating with partners.

Building device centric solutions combines four key vectors. The first is silicon, second is the hardware, third is the middleware and tools, and fourth the application design, testing and release of such as system. Under no circumstances could we create a compelling enabling solution when working in isolation.  Wind River, Intel, Kontron and Eurotech concluded that a strategic collaboration, which takes out the complexity between the hardware and the software, in the form of a verified and validated platform solution would address these concerns.  This collaboration has enabled us to further reduce time-to-market requirements and increase our value-added services by providing our customers a richer out-of-the-box experience with a compelling set of tools and operating system options – and allows our joint customers to focus their efforts and investments around key market/business initiatives.

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