Wind River Support for NXP S32G3: Accelerate with Confidence
The benefit of Wind River’s deep-rooted partnership with NXP Semiconductors has risen to a new level for our mutual customers.
Wind River is thrilled to announce support for the next-generation NXP S32G3 processor with our portfolio of runtime products and Studio Linux Services, so you can accelerate the creation and deployment of devices and systems for the intelligent edge.
Specifically, Wind River will be offering S32G3 board support packages (BSPs) for VxWorks, Wind River Linux, and the Helix Virtualization Platform, along with design and lifecycle security and maintenance services. Customers who want to take full advantage of the unique vehicle use case capabilities of the S32G3 processor can leverage Wind River’s portfolio of runtimes and proven embedded expertise to design and build automotive solutions on top of this software enablement platform.
It’s all part of our long-standing partnership with NXP and our mutual commitment to delivering proven, reliable hardware and software solutions to the embedded industry. The synergy of working together closely translates to tightly integrated solutions, developer productivity, cost efficiency, higher reliability, and faster time-to-market for our customers’ development teams.
Whatever industry you’re in, whatever systems or devices your organization is creating for the intelligent edge, Wind River’s extensive software and DevOps tools portfolio can help accelerate your project on the latest NXP hardware. Here are just a few examples of what Wind River offers to support NXP customers:
● BSP SUPPORT – Wind River offers numerous BSPs for the NXP portfolio of processors including the S32G, I.MX, and Layerscape families.
● NXP LINUX SDK SUPPORT - Wind River Studio Linux Services provides security scanning, vulnerability mitigation and remediation, as well as full lifecycle management and maintenance services for NXP Yocto-based Linux software development kits.
● SOLUTIONS FOR AUTOMOTIVE – VxWorks and Wind River Linux offer high-performance runtime solutions for automotive gateways and domain & zonal controllers running on the S32G family of vehicle processors. Wind River also has extensive experience building infotainment solutions on i.MX application processors leveraging Linux and Android.
● SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL, MEDICAL, AND ROBOTICS – Wind River has a number of NXP BSPs well-suited for critical infrastructure, medical, and robotics designs requiring the real-time and determinism of VxWorks, or open-source flexibility of Wind River Linux. Wind River also provides VxWorks and Wind River Linux BSPs, for multiple i.MX applications processors, including the latest i.MX93 along with the Helix Virtualization Platform. EXPLORE OUR WHITE PAPERS
● SOLUTIONS FOR AEROSPACE AND DEFENSE – Embedded designs requiring safety certification can take advantage of our support for NXP processors from legacy Power Architecture to the latest Arm Architecture solutions like the LX2160. Leveraging our Helix Virtualization Platform and BSP’s for VxWorks and Wind River Linux, NXP solutions are the bed-rock of many of today’s flight systems.
● DIGITAL TWINS AND SIMULATION FOR NXP PLATFORMS – Shift Left and start software projects sooner, build higher quality and more secure software faster, and integrate with DevOps development practices. Simulate full NXP-based hardware and software systems with support for ARM and PowerPC architectures.
The breadth and depth of Wind River’s relationship with NXP and support for the latest new products gives customers tremendous value, eases development, and accelerates time to market. We look forward to the exciting new products we will see being built on S32G3. Be sure to visit us at the upcoming NXP Connects events.