You Will be Simulated - A Bit Quicker

We just released a new Simics feature, the QSP (Quick-Start Platform). This is a synthetic simulation-only Simics target machine that is included with the Simics base product. QSP provides every user with a useful Simics target that allows you to immediately start using Simics and reap the benefits of simulation for software development, without waiting for a target model to be ready. It provides a quick way to realize our old Simics slogan: "Resistance is Futile, you will be Simulated."
With QSP, we provide a shortcut by offering a ready-to-use integration of a model and target software stack that can be used to do application-level development from the moment a user receives Simics. QSP also makes simulation features like checkpointing, reverse execution, unintrusive debug, repeatability, automation, and scripting easily available for application developers without having to first setup an OS and select a target machine.