Wind River Terms and Conditions
Trademark Notice
Trademark Notice
Blue Thunder, BSD, BSDI, How Smart Things Think, JWorks, Rapid Logic, Tornado, Tornado AE, VxDCOM, VxSim, VxWorks, Wind, WindManage, Wind River, and WindView are registered trademarks (®) or service marks (SM) of Wind River Systems, Inc. Alchemy, Attache' Plus, Backplane, BetterState, Courier, CrossCode, CrossWind, D-CC, D-C++, DDI, Decorum, Diab, Doctor Design, Embedded Desktop, Embedded Times, Enabling The Future, Envoy, ESp and Design, The Expert's Choice!, Fuzzy Parser, IceStorm, Ivasion, HTML Works, HyperBuild, ISI, jEXpress, jEXtreme, Liason, MacPoET, NukePoET, One-Solution, OpEN, OpTIC, OSEKWorks, Personal JWorks, pHILE+, pLUG&SIM, pNA+, PoET Gateway, pOSEK, Power Compiling Solutions, pREPC+, pROBE+, pRPC+, pSET, pSOS+, pSOS+m, pSOSim, pSOSystem, pX11+, RapidControl, Router Engines, RTA Suite, SingleStep, SNiFF+, SNMp, StormPad, SurroundView, TakeFive, the TakeFive logo, TakeFive Software, the Tornado logo, Touchstone, Urge To Converge, VantageISI, VSPWorks, VxGDB, VxGNU, VxMP, VxOPC, VxVMI, WebPDA, WebPLUS, WebTEL, Wind Foundation Classes, WindConfig, WindLink, the WindLink logo, WindML, WindNet, WindPower, WindSh, WindStorm, WindSurf, Wind Web Server, WinNAT, WinPoET, WinVPN, WiSP, ZeroCopy, and Zinc are trademarks (™) or service marks (SM) of Wind River Systems, Inc. Use of the above marks without the express written permission of Wind River Systems, Inc. is prohibited. The absence of a name or logo in this list does not constitute a waiver of any and all intellectual property rights that Wind River has established in any of its product, feature, or service names or logos. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. This may be a partial list.