Identify Trends. Detect Anomalies.
Prevent Problems.
A distributed edge cloud could be deployed on tens — or tens of thousands — of edge nodes. The geo-distributed design with numerous end points makes monitoring and managing such a cloud challenging. Wind River® Studio Analytics is the tool to make the job easier.
5G Built Right
Wind River Studio provides network analytics for Verizon’s national deployment of virtualized 5G.
Proactive Optimal Network Operations
Cost Savings
Deeper, Broader,
and tailored data
Key Features
Studio enables you to model applications and services and automate their entire lifecycle, including deployment on any cloud or data center environment, monitoring all aspects of a deployed application, detecting issues and failure, manually or automatically remediating such issues, and performing ongoing maintenance tasks.
Collect a broad and deep data set tailored to your needs. Data can be pulled across all layers of the system, including the infrastructure, cluster, services, and applications. Detailed memory, CPU, file system, and service state data are gathered to ensure that the entire operational landscape is monitored.
Aggregate both structured and unstructured data, including logs, metrics, and traces. Whether at the individual host level or aggregated with the local or distributed cluster, data is enriched to provide context beyond the metric and timestamp and includes tagging, transformation, and pre-processing.
Process and Store
Process and store with replication indexing, which provides redundancy as robust as the system and makes the data faster for search. Lifecycle management ensures that the data is managed appropriately and persists only as long as it needs to.
Analyze the data to derive powerful insights from the distributed cloud. Visualizations, dashboards, and trend analysis provide a view that can be interpreted for proactive decision-making to keep your network healthy and optimized.
Stay Informed
Get proactive alerts and reports so you can always know what is happening in your distributed cloud.
Open Source Software Foundation
Studio’s analytics and cloud platform are both commercially supported capabilities derived from the StarlingX open source project. StarlingX is a best-of-breed integration of multiple open source projects that solves the operational problem of deploying and managing distributed networks. Studio Analytics contains the technology of Elastic and leverages components of Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash.