Wind River Compiler Accelerates Vehicle Systems Development
Centralizing development lowers costs by more than 30%

“It is essential for us to maintain close relationships with industry leaders such as Wind River to make sure we stay at the leading edge of automotive technology, functionality, and safety.”
—Dr. Udo Judaschke, Director, PLM systems, Software and Verification, Continental Automotive IT

Automotive supplier Continental wanted to save time, cut costs, and standardize the development process at its globally dispersed development sites. At the same time, it needed to meet the requirements of the functional safety standard ISO 26262. To do this required a global effort to standardize the development process during every phase and at every geographic site, using common processes and tools.

Wind River® Diab Compiler provided Continental developers with an OS-agnostic tool suite that comprises a C/C++ compiler, an assembler, a linker, ANSI C and C++ libraries, and an instruction set simulator—everything it needed to speed development, ensure software quality, and standardize its global development data. Wind River rigorously tests each release of the suite to ensure functional safety standards throughout the development process—and supports the customers who use it.

By updating its tool suite, Continental was able to increase developer efficiency, standardize results, and ensure compliance with ISO 26262 at each of its 48 development sites around the world. By standardizing tools and processes, Continental lowered its development costs by more than 30 percent.