Mitsubishi Electric Pushes Intelligence to the Edge
VxWorks powers a state-of-the-art device control and edge computing solution for factory automation.
Customer Success Story
The Objective
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, a leading global supplier of electronic hardware for factory automation (FA), was preparing to launch its first line of products specifically designed for edge computing in industrial environments. The goal was to combine real-time equipment control with high-speed data collection, processing, diagnosis, and feedback in a single machine.
“VxWorks allows the MI5000 to provide both real-time equipment control and edge computing in a single solution. It enables the system to collect data from IoT devices while managing them in real time. We have been using Wind River products and services for more than 10 years. We have a high level of trust in the core technology of Wind River products.”
—Ryosuke Watabe, Senior Manager, Controller Development Section, FA Systems Dept. 1, Nagoya Works, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
How Wind River Helped
Wind River® supplied the VxWorks® real-time operating system, which enables the MI5000 to collect data from IoT devices while managing them in real time. The solution also incorporates Wind River virtualization technology built on VxWorks, which enables the consolidation of workloads on a single edge compute platform.
The Results
Mitsubishi Electric successfully launched the MELIPC Series of industrial control computers in 2018, advancing the state of edge computing in manufacturing and strengthening the company’s position as a leader in Industrial IoT.
Mitsubishi Electric